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Credit Repair Through Credit Counseling
In general, credit counseling is performed by non-profit agencies, and is not to be confused with for-profit credit repair companies. The latter should be avoided. Credit repair companies have a reputation for being scams, especially those ones who advertise online. Even if it doesn't turn out to be a scam, it's likely that a credit repair company will do nothing that you can't do yourself: they'll direct you to obtain your credit report and challenge all negative items on it, and may even suggest you attempt illegal activities like getting a "new" credit rating thorough a different address.
In contrast, a credit counseling service will only provide advice, and in a context that precludes a profit motive. This is the best and most intelligent way to engage in credit repair. To deny that rebuilding your credit rating will be a long process requiring time and discipline is to do yourself a disservice, and a credit counselor will help you make the long term plans and decisions you need to in order to engage in effective credit repair.
Most good credit counseling organizations will provide you with advice and workshops, as well as educational materials. They will help you learn to both make and stick to a budget, which over the long term will be extremely beneficial to your credit rating. They will also be able to provide you with one-on-one counseling, so you can examine and learn to make good economic decisions based on your particular credit experience.
The problem with credit repair companies - and the reason you should be suspicious of them - is that they propose a quick, one size fits all solution. Anyone who claims they can quickly fix your credit without knowing anything about the situation is not being truthful. A credit councilor can be crucial in providing exactly the kind of particular attention that a credit repair company will avoid.
Most importantly, if you engage in credit repair by using a councilor, your solutions will be more long term, because you will be learning how to manage your budget more effectively, and making permanent changes to your spending habits. This is far preferable to paying a credit repair company that promises a quick solution that is of no educational value to you.
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