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It is Very Important to Have the Right Chairs at Your Office

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In modern times, very few people can claim that they are completely free of any ailment. The reason behind this claim lies in the fact that modern lifestyle has become very demanding. Most of the white collar jobs require a person to sit at a desk for long hours and then stare at a computer for an incredibly long amount of time. This hectic work schedule, unbound tension coupled with little to no exercise is actually leading to make a person's health worse and worse. If you are a skeptic and are not ready to accept this fact just like that, you might get convinced after going through certain statistics. It was only in the 1950s that the physically demanding jobs occupied only 20 percent of the job market. A recent survey has revealed that the percentage has now dropped to less than 10, thereby leaving most people to be stuck at desk jobs. There are a number of physical ailments associated with these jobs.

If a careful glance is spared at the list of these ailments, one is sure to get intimidated. The most common discomfort that affects such desk job holders is the carpel tunnel syndrome. Physicists opine that if any action is repeated over and over again, it can cause serious injury or major discomfort at the very least. This syndrome can lead to the person experiencing numbness, tingling, soreness, pain, etc. Sitting in a wrong posture for long hours at an end can lead the body, especially the lower back area, to go through major pain. As the human body is meant to be active, being stuck in the same position for an ample amount of time can make the joints feel incredibly tight. Then there is the eye strain.

Now, it has to be mentioned here that getting up from the workstation from time to time and taking a little stroll can only do so much. It is here that the Ergohuman Office Chair and saddle stool, otherwise known as saddle chair come in to play a very important role. These chairs have also been called ortho chairs or executive chairs occasionally. They are minutely designed to provide the user with proper lumbar support, even when the person is sitting in an improper posture. These chairs have the perfect contour and curves which helps the user to maintain the natural, and obviously correct ‘S' shape of his or her spine. They also allow the users to bend their legs at a ninety degree angle.

The saddle stool is of a little different design than the Ergohuman Office Chairs. It is based on the ergonomics of horseback riding. It forces the user to sit absolutely straight and that is how keeps the user's back from bending at painful angles. This, however, does not mean that the stool is uncomfortable to sit on. Regularly using these stools can solve a number of health problems. It can alleviate pain from the spinal area, relieve tension from the fatigued muscles and resolve the incorrect posture issues.
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