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Ways to Stay Awake During Long Days
Your energy is rejuvenated after the long night of your relaxed mode through good night sleep.
But, there's a time when you need to stay awake long to finish some unfinished tasks the day before to meet your deadline.
Your brain needs to switch off of working mode in order not to struggle to get rid of sleep so that you'll stay awake to continue your work.
This would entail some efforts to maintain you from not letting awake defeats over your sleeping mode.
When your eyes closes when it's not yet time to surrender for bedtime, you've to make some tricks in order to stay awake until you finish your work.
Ways to stay awake • Sleep before the night.
This is a natural way of staying awake when you sleep the previous nights prior to your recent work.
This is only applicable if you've a plan to attend some activities that needs the whole night until the wee hours of awakening.
You need at least 12 hours of sleep to fight the succeeding days to be awake.
• Eat light foods.
If you'll eat heavy foods, chances are you'll be tempted to close your eyes because of the presence of sugar and starch that forced you to feel asleep.
The best light foods that suit for desire not to feel asleep are, fruits, salads, green vegetables, spicy foods.
These light foods enhances you to gain enough energy to sustain your long awakening without feeling drowsy.
• Taking Exercises.
Exercises helps your body to be alert because while you're doing physical exercise, all your muscles are stretched and awaken to active mode.
Some kinds of physical exercises that fits for you are jogging in place, walking around your office or backyard, jumping jacks, or riding a stationary bicycle.
• Drink Energy enhanced liquid or coffee.
Studies shows that coffee with extra sugar works to stay awake the whole night.
Taking also some energy drinks helps you to be awake all night.
But, be aware not to over do taking these energy drinks and coffee, they're not good for your body.
Just take them moderately.
• Take a bathroom break.
When you're near to sleeping mode, try to go to your bathroom and lightly splash your face with cold water and do some minor exercise until you're again back to be awake.
• Have someone to chat.
It's a good idea to have a companion with you to accompany to chat with in any topic of your interest just to while away the time.
This way your concentration would be diverted to your chatting, especially if the topic is something interesting and lively.
• Sit a on chair not in bed.
In psychology, there's a connection-ism when you sit in a bed than the chair.
If you sits in bed, you immediately connect the bed with sleeping, but when you sits in a chair, there's no way you can sleep because the chair is small and couldn't accommodate your whole body, so there's no connection with the chair to sleep.
• Surf the Internet.
When you feel sleepy, open the Internet and browse to your favorite site or to your own blog if you have, and write something about your passion until you're no longer feeling sleepy.
Then return to your normal task at hand.
There are some more tips to stay awake you can find, but I only selected some important ones to help you get rid from sleeping mode to carry out your unfinished task to completion.
But, be reminded that to continue staying awake all the time could cause some serious problems that would affect your health.
Do these tips only, for some important assignment that needs your attention to finish the job.
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