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Tips For Living With a Bipolar Person
So, ok, our relative or friend had something that caused no fever, no physical pains and not even a sign of physical problem, yet he could be really sick.
Once more you were called to stay calm and to try to understand the symptoms as the preview of some type of storm coming through your Island.
Danger? no, it would depend on the intensity of winds (humour in this case).
Thus we learned some tips that were like anchor handles not only for us but also for our loved one who felt so lonely if we could not enter with him in such a scaring tale.
And that was true for all, yet, it could be changed.
If your loved relative or friend happens to be diagnosed with Bipolar syndrome, please take it as any other illness that you may hear or almost not hear about in your daily routine.
These tips I hope you will just consider them as a help reminders to make your life and his/her, easier: - Manic episodes are not suddenly visible, indeed, it may surprise you how good your friend looks and how active he is; too much, though it might be strange he or she does too many things at a time without finishing one; - Your loved friend or relative may talk much more than before, and that may be easy to verify; phone always busy, excessive phone bill, interrupting him might be impossible, not so easy either to talk to him between one phone and the other, - If he loves you a lot, going into a manic episode he will sometimes hurt you or even shout at you with no real reason; and that may be difficult to bear though you must remember he is not feeling that well, his "fever" is going up, - When manic relapse begins you will see him really cheerful, much more than before, enthusiastic for improbable projects, too "coloured" (colours are definitely a sign of your loved one going-up), music becomes real high and volume never goes done until he goes to sleep; but, he or she won't accept it and even discuss about it.
- Expect a manic episode, once begun, to fly over one's control in a few hours or day..
and you must be willing to help him, even with hospitalization, for your loved ones welfare, though painful, you must not risk his health or life.
- Remember he or she loves you and that may fight at you or shout unreal things; they are only crying for help.
Please remember that.
- Depression, when it comes, it is so painful for them that they would not like to make you suffer, they feel guilty about it, they love you, please remember that too.
- Depression comes softly but walks rather slow and constantly and if the medicines are not suitable for that episode, it may last too long.
Take care of him/she, do not leave them on their own.
They do not deserve it, they love you so.
- Trying to make them feel as if the relapses, whether up or down, were easy for them to control is not real.
They are sick and it is not their fault.
You would never ask a broken leg friend to stand up or walk for hours.
You know he would not feel good about it or even been capable of doing it.
So, think about bipolar as if some accident happened to your beloved one and pretend just what is reasonable from him and not anything more.
Our loved people with any sort of mood disorders sometime suffer so much just because we are not ready to deal with their conditions or, do not have patience to learn about them and act with compassion, and not with rules or pretensions that are out of they understanding in that moment.
Life is beautiful and mood disorders usually are present in very sensible and loving persons that ache to prove that they are normal as anyone of us.
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