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Ab Workouts At Your Desk
Remember the animated movie Wall-E? The story was about the future where humans had become so dependent on technology and machines that they had all become extremely overweight.
I think that's a pretty good picture of where some of us are headed if we don't take steps to correct ourselves.
Ab workouts are just a part of working out our entire body to remain fit and healthy.
And working out is just a small part of getting and staying healthy.
We need to eat right to be healthy besides working out.
My point is, every little bit of effort counts in our journey to stay fit and healthy so this includes what we can do to stay healthy while sitting in front of our desks.
There aren't actually exercises for your abs that you can do while sitting in front of your desk but there are ways to make your workplace work for you.
The first tip is to try to avoid sitting as much as possible.
Get a standing workstation and work standing up.
You'll burn more calories than while sitting down and you'll also be more alert at the end of your working day.
Besides this, get up from your desk as much as you can and take a walk.
Do anything to avoid sitting all day.
Take as many breaks as your work allows you to.
Keep in mind that you should just move your body a lot.
Don't hesitate from doing a few crunches or squats in your office.
Break the mental and socially reinforced idea that you can't work out in your office.
Remember the health benefits and just do it.
Try this stretch which can help firm up your ab muscles.
Kneel on the floor and then bring one foot forward so that you rest on one foot and your knee of your other leg.
Pull your torso backwards as far as it can go while placing your hands on your knee in front of you and hold the stretch.
This is a great way to counter the stiffening effects of sitting too long at a stretch.
Repeat the exercise by reversing the legs you used for the first round.
Crunches are very much doable at your workplace so get over the initial hesitation and just get off your chair and do a few quick ones whenever you can.
There's no need to hesitate from working out at work.
You should not relegate exercise to the extremities of your day i.
early morning or late at night.
Just work out in the daytime, right there in your office.
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