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When Is It Time to Replace Your Tires?

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Obviously vehicle tires serve an important purpose.
Without them, a vehicle wouldn't be able to move.
It's important to pay careful attention to your tires.
They aren't meant to last forever and will eventually begin to lose performance ability.
As tires age and the tread on them wears down they become less safe.
Tire failure can lead to serious accidents, so it's important to know when it's time to replace them.
The tread on the tire improves traction, especially on wet roads.
As the tread begins to wear the tire isn't as safe.
A good rule of thumb is that if it's down to 1/16 of an inch it's time to replace the tires.
In fact, in some states it is a legal requirement that tires have proper tread above 1/16 of an inch.
There are a few ways to determine that the tire is worn.
Perhaps the most popular way is the "penny test".
Simply put a penny upside down in the center of the tread.
The tire is still good as long as you can't see the top of Lincoln's head.
If you can see his head, the tires should be replaced.
Of course, this isn't an exact science and this test has been criticized for not being 100% accurate.
A more accurate way to check is to use a tire tread gauge.
These can be bought at any auto store for a few dollars.
You can also check the tread wear indicator on the tire.
The tread wear indicator is located in the groove of the tread.
If it is even, or almost even, with the tread around it, it means that the tire is worn.
It's no longer safe and should be replaced immediately.
You can also just use common sense when determining that a tire should be replaced.
Regularly check out your tires to see how they look.
Keep an eye out for any deep cracks or bubbles.
Check the wear on all of the tires.
If the wear is uneven on the front it could mean that there is an alignment issue.
Make sure that tires stay properly inflated.
If you notice that they don't maintain correct tire pressure and lose air quickly, there is a problem with the tire.
Check your owner's manual, but typically 6 years is a good amount of time to be using the same tires.
It depends on your driving style, but 10 years should be the absolute maximum for using the same tires.
A tire begins aging as soon as it is manufactured, not from its use date, because tires can deteriorate even if they are just sitting in a store.
Tires can also age faster in warmer climates.
When in doubt, have a trusted mechanic take a look at the tires when you have routine maintenance work done and get a professional opinion on the wear and tread.
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