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How to Prevent Pool Accidents
As an owner of a pool, it is your responsibility to ensure that you take the necessary precautions to ensure the risk of an accident occurring is kept to a minimum.
The following is a list of common sense preventative steps that you can take.
They are particularly poignant if you have a lot of children that regularly use your pool.
If this is you, make sure you draw up a plan of action to adopt any of the following safely measures if you don't have them in place already.
(1)Clean your pool regularly Failing to do this can cause the build up of green algae, which in turn results in the sides of your swimming pool becoming slippery.
This can cause accidents if someone slips and injures him or herself.
(2)Always use a pool cover There are pool covers on the market to guard against any possibility of a pool accident.
These types of pool covers are marketed as "safely pool covers" and are specifically designed to prevent a child from getting into the swimming unseen.
(3)Parental supervision Although this is common sense, many parents make the mistake of failing in this area resulting in many unnecessary deaths at the poolside each year.
The golden rule is never leave your children unsupervised.
Do not leave the responsibility to an older sibling either.
(4)Teach your children to swim Teaching your children to swim is the number one thing you can do to guard against your children drowning at the poolside.
Get them into swimming lessons as soon as they are old enough to start learning.
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