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NCIS Star Ziva and Her Hilarious Ziva-isms
Ziva is a tough cookie but she is also vunerable, however she also has a sharp sense of humor,most of which comes from her legendary Ziva-isms.
So what is a Ziva-ism? well the Online Urban Dictionary has two descriptions the first descibes the word as - "A mistake made when using an English figure of speech. Usually used when the mistake is commited by Ziva David, a character in the television show NCIS. However, this word is never used in the actual show, only by fans of the show. "Hey, mind if I take a batnap?"
"Um, dude, that was a Ziva-ism.""
The second description explains it like this - "In the world of NCIS fans, a Ziva-ism is typically an idiomatic mistake made by the character Ziva David. She is somewhat foreign and is still trying to grasp the American language. "American idioms drive her up the hall" as she said.
Ziva: "I would hate to be misunderstood."
Fornell: "And does that happen often?"
Ziva: "Once in a blue lagoon."
Ziva used blue lagoon instead of blue moon, so this is a Ziva-ism."
The term Ziva-ism quickly became synomonous with English language mix ups and misunderstandings, even becoming a popular topic on online forums,messageboards and blogs and there is even a facebook page devoted solely to the subject of Ziva-isms. Here are few more examples of Ziva-isms.
Do bears sit in the woods?
Did she give you the cold elbow?
Sometimes it's hard to see the jungle through the ferns.
Look who's calling the pot black
Beating around the tree.
You look like you've seen a Goat.
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