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Facts on Signs and Symptoms of Asthma
She often experiences symptoms like breathlessness/dyspnoea, chest tightness, wheezing.
Her condition worsen when she visited highly congested country and thus making her suffering from insomnia due to the frequent attacks of the mentioned symptoms.
Any of the depicted scenario fits your condition? If any of it fits the picture, then it is either you are one of the victims or might be one of them.
Asthma, also know as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), is actually disease associate with obstruction of the respiratory tract due to constriction of the airway.
This is especially very common to young children due to their under developed body system.
Something to know further is that it can be categorized into 4 major types: 1.
Atopic Asthma - due to allergen 2.
Non-Atopic Asthma - due to viral infection 3.
drug- induced Asthma - due to consumption of aspirin 4.
Occupational Asthma - due to career exposure like wools Each respective types of asthma has their own causes, but luckily enough to know that their manifestations are almost similar.
This indeed helpful in asthma diagnosis from other diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis which might give a false positive result since they have a similar manifestation.
Nevertheless, sometimes, the benefit can turn out to be harmful as well, where asthma attack treatment can differ from one another based on their grouping.
Thus, it is essentially require for us to acknowledge the sign and symptoms of asthma and also their types as for appropriate asthma treatment.
What are the signs and symptoms of asthma? Here are the MUST signs of Asthma: · breathlessness/ dyspnoea · chest-tightness · cough · wheezing Something as a add on is that asthma attack usually happen at night and/or in the early morning or even sometimes based on season like they are more frequent during spring/fall.
Furthermore, the severity of the asthma symptoms can be further classified into several classes and it is an important point needed to be noted in the asthma treatment.
For example, status asthmaticus(most severe form of asthma) can be FATAL if no adequate immediate asthma attack treatment provided.
Let me emphasize here.
Although asthma can be LETHAL and BURDENSOME, please bear in mind that asthma is a reversible and curable disease if proper care is taken.
There are many cures for it, ranging from natural solution to medical asthma cure.
However, it can be a very broad topic to discuss with and so it will only be continued in the future bit by bit for better understanding.
If any inquiries feel free to ask.
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