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Compensation For Victims of Car Accidents
The effects of the damages to an individual can also be in a case-to-case basis.
Coping mechanisms are also affected by individual's capacity to adapt.
Compensation from a car accident is paid for by the insurance company.
To get your claims, it is better if you get a lawyer that specializes in claims for car injuries.
You can get your compensation faster with the help of a lawyer.
Also, getting a claim is not an easy thing to do, and you would not want to leave it by chance especially if the damages that happened to you are very extensive.
Money certainly cannot help you bring back the old you, but it will help you cope up and move on in life with.
The financial aspect of your life will also be greatly affected and you definitely need some help to get your self back to be able to compensate the loss in your finances.
The amount you will get for the claim will depend on these things according to the assessment of the court and an injury specialist.
· The pain and suffering caused by the accident · Income loss due to the physical damages of the accident · Opportunity losses · Medical and other expenses (like treatment, surgeries and others) · Home assistance (if necessary) The pain and suffering experienced after a surgery is definitely immeasurable, how much more to calculate its equivalent cost in monetary value? It is certainly impossible to do this.
But still, courts try to come up with monetary value appropriate for the pain and suffering to compensate for the emotional and physical trauma.
The amount once given to a person for the same pain and suffering may not be the same for the person in the present time.
This is because the amount is also based on the present cost of living of the person which increases always as time passes.
The income of the victim will affected if the person will need to take a time off from his or her job after the accident for recovery or rehabilitation.
The determinant of this factor will most likely depend on the severity of the physical damage and the possibility of future recovery.
If the damage is very severe and the person will not be able to go back to have a job, then the foreseeable income loss including the past income loss right after the injury will be added up and try to make the amount compensate the victim and the family.
Opportunity loss is quite similar to the income loss.
If a person's has permanently lost his or her capacity to work, then her opportunity for new jobs will also be lost.
Computation for the compensation for this loss will also be the same as for the income loss.
Medical expenses during the treatment and rehabilitation will also have to be included when asking for compensation.
Assistance in the home (financial or medical) will also be included.
Money compensation is certainly not enough compensation for any victim, but there is nothing much we can do to help them but through the use of money.
It can also lessen the burden especially the financial burden for treatment and other medical expenses.
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