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Outsourcing Checklist for the Service Buyer
This should give any one looking to outsource a project a good reference point not only for starting a project, but for seeing it through to its completion as well.
Outsourcing can, and should increase your productivity and the profitability of your project.
A poorly run outsourcing job however, can be just as costly as one run in-house.
Include styles, preferences, colors, layouts and any other specifics, which may be applicable to this job.
Save the description and include it in the advertisement for the Service Provider if possible.
If choosing online (Which is frequently the cheapest option, though it does not detract from quality as a rule) decide which site has the candidates who best suit your needs for this job.
If you are seeking out a service provider online, decide how much you are willing to pay to have the project completed.
If using a local area service provider, this information should be discussed during the interview process.
This should be done as time allows, for each service provider as they bid.
If you are seeking people online, set aside a small amount of time each day to review the days applicants.
Do not make a choice until the last day in order to avoid leaving out any potential providers.
They should receive a complete outline of the project at hand.
If this was provided in the advertisement, all the better, but still make sure that you send them a copy.
In that way, if they do not complete the job as you requested, you are covered.
Go over the package with them in detail.
Make sure that every question is answered completely.
Lack of communication is the number one cause of problems in the outsourcing industry.
This is one of the most important reasons for using escrow services for payment.
If there is a dispute that arises, you at least will not have to invest money into something that you cannot use.
Anything that can be verified such as email or instant messages are certainly preferable, however this is not always an option.
If you must discuss business on the telephone, record the date, time and content of the phone call and keep this with your records.
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