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Memory Foam Mattress Pad
I was eating alright, getting some exercise.
Work was going just fine, so why wasn't I waking up rested and ready for the day? Then it finally dawned on me -- my mattress was worn out.
It has to be at least eight years old, or maybe closer to ten years old.
I realized I had to shop for a new mattress.
Then I found out how much they have gone up in price in the last ten years so I researched alternatives.
That is when I discovered memory foam mattress pads.
In comparing the price of a good mattress pad to the price of a new mattress, I was sold.
I found, after a ton of research, that there are three things to look for in a foam mattress pad.
Materials Now that memory foam has hit the mainstream market, lots of manufacturers have sprung up.
Although this is good for the consumer, because competition means better prices for us, you have to be careful about who you buy from.
Memory foam is a chemically created product and some of those chemicals could be harmful.
Do not take a chance that your mattress pad, something that will be in close contact with your body for 6-8 hours a night, has harmful chemicals.
Look for US manufacturers, since we have some regulations in place.
You can also find "green" foam out there.
Density Density is the first criteria.
The way memory foam works is the cells that make up the foam react to the weight and heat of your body.
Unlike regular foam, which always wants to spring back to its original shape, the memory foam stays in place so that pressure points are supported.
The more cells the foam has working to conform to your sleeping body, the better.
Foam density is measured per cubic foot.
You want at least three pound density for your foam.
Thickness The thickness of the foam matters and that makes sense on a common sense level.
The thicker the sheet you are laying, the better.
For memory foam, you want at least two inches.
I would not settle for less.
Four inches is better, if you can afford it.
Both density and thickness affect the price you will pay for the memory foam mattress pad.
As you would expect, the denser and thicker the pad, the more money you will spend.
From my perspective, it made good financial sense to spend about a quarter of the price of a new mattress on a foam mattress pad.
I saved a lot of money and I am sleeping like a baby.
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