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Why Would I Need To Utilize The Services Of An Attorney To Prepare My Will
Estate planning can take many forms but its function is really only in two parts. The first part is the fact that your estate has to have a method by which it in unambiguous language clearly states who is the receive what assets from your estate and in what quantity. The reason why this is very important is the fact that many individuals without a Will have no way of really expressing their intent as to the division of their estate. Thus you will find that the beneficiaries of these individuals will have to spend months if not years in court battling out the issue of who is to really get what from the estate. This is a process that could have so easily been avoided had the individual who passed away created a Will and Last Testament. The other part of estate planning is when an attorney applies the latest in tax planning strategies in your estate so that you will get the most tax advantageous situation for your estate.