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Why Most Blogs Are Boring
- There are no stories.
Ok, just call me looking for entertainment but seriously, I want a story intertwined.
That makes the blog come to life! Makes it real.
Stories make the information stand out! If your recent faux pas on Twitter left you wishing you'd never heard of social media, how about blogging about it? Letting your readers get a good lesson from your own life is always icing on the cake! Take them on the journey! - No discussion is invited.
The most intriguing blogs stimulate discussions.
You know it's true.
Aren't you more inclined to read one with a dozen or more comments than not? If people are talking, chances are, the blog is resonating to the hilt! Don't be afraid to tackle a cutting edge or controversial subject.
People really enjoy good debates, so why not give them one? - Nothing new is being said.
It's been said, there's nothing new under the sun, but at least put your spin on it and give it a fun twist.
That way, what you're saying at least seems like it's fresh and new! And don't forget the newest gadgets, books, apps, etc.
that are interesting to you.
All of that is great fodder for your readers too! - Posting a video is not the same as blogging.
Sorry, but if there's no story going on or something to peak my interest, I'm not clicking.
Period. - The post is a not-so-disguised sales page.
Give me a break.
I do NOT want you to sell me something in your blog post.
If your post is recommending a product or service and you have a link to a sales page, that's a little different.
I have a choice whether to click or not.
Just don't bombard me or try to sell me in the post.
It's boring and annoying. - Lack of passion.
Enough said.
If you are passionate about your blog, it comes through in the writing.
It just doesn't sound like a college thesis.
It's got some heart and soul in the writing! Even if you are just giving your readers a list post with recommendations, let them know why the person or thing is on your list.
Enthusiasm if key! - The blogger didn't show up.
Yes, your readers can tell if you are just spitting out content to fill up the page.
The post is dry, humorless, and (do I dare say it again?) boring as heck!
But I will say this: I give it my best shot every single time.
My goal is to inform and not bore.
How about you?
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