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Learn from the best in some of the finest golf courses Phuket has to offer
Teaching essentials, learning from the best
If you are just a newbie to the sport of golf or an intermediate who wants to get back in the groove or perhaps a pro who is focused on taking your game to the next level, then let Golf Guru provide you all the fundamental, technical and mental knowledge that you need thru some of the best golfing minds in the world. With an €Ultimate Coaching Program€ led by 26-year pro Martin Platts and other PGA accredited coaches plus the exuberating landscape of the best golf courses Phuket has to offer, everything that a golfer needs to take his game to the highest level possible will be guaranteed.
Nowhere to go but Phuket
And of course, the Golf Guru chose the best golf courses in Phuket to be the venue for the whole golfing experience for a number of reasons. It is very accessible for tourists of the island of Phuket as their seven golf courses are just 40 minutes away from the airport. Their sprawling courses also pose enough challenge one needs during the 1 on 1 coaching program, 3 and 4 days of extensive training and a whole lot more. And if you even ask the pros, they would surely rank the golf courses of Phuket as some of the finest golfing destinations the world has to offer.
An experience for everyone to share
Surely you would not want to just have to enjoy your stay and play in the best golf courses Phuket has in store all by yourself, right? Golf Guru has made it a point to have your relatives and friends to share the experience with you. Accommodations are made available for them by the Golf Guru, complete with meals and an American breakfast to boot. And for clients who are really into the game, their experience with the Golf Guru is made all the more sweeter through the Pro Shop where they can purchase all their golfing needs like clubs, gears etc plus a club restoration and customization service is also offered. Truly, playing golf and improving your game in the best golf courses in Phuket has never been this grand.
Be sure to check out for more info on their rates and other offers.
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