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Acupuncture Therapy Is Natural And Safe
Originating, possibly in Eurasia or China, it is described as a Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is now practiced throughout the world and has become popular as an effective alternative medical procedure.
In Australia, fourteen percent of doctors are practicing and using it in conjunction with conventional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.
Even though the popularity of acupuncture is ever increasing, and it has gained a strong foothold in conventional medical circles, most people are skeptical.
Some people shudder at the thought of attending an acupuncture therapy that requires half a dozen or more simultaneous needle pricks.
Acupuncturists are trained professionals that are credited by a government department and must be fully licensed, before they commence practicing.
The needles come hygienically packaged, are disposable and designed to be used only once.
The chance of getting an infection is quite remote.
Millions of people in America and other countries throughout the world are turning to acupuncture for fast, effective pain relief and for a drug free alternative to cure many other ailments.
This therapy is effective in the treatment of back pain, arthritis, migraine and sporting injuries.
Obesity, alcoholism, smoking and fertility problems can also be controlled with acupuncture, along with most common complaints.
Modern practitioners generally use disposable, filiform metal needles that range from 0.
12 of a millimeter in thickness.
They are so fine that when they are inserted into the body's various points, the only feeling is a slight sensation, there is no pain, as such.
There are a few other needles, which vary in length and weight that acupuncturists may use for more specific procedures, however the occurrences of a needle being inserted too deeply or in the wrong place are negligible.
In the United States, licensed practitioners are the only persons to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, to use needles.
Your safety is of national concern so if you choose to undergo acupuncture therapy, rest assured that the procedure is safe and accepted by your government.
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