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The World of Negatives
What happens most of the time is that these treasures are completely neglected.
To get things straight, negatives are not the actual picture in which the image is presented.
Negatives come in strips of chemical-coated plastic in which the picture is projected upon.
Now if you look at a negative you would never think that the piece of discolored plastic would scan better than the print itself.
It is true, when negatives are scanned the picture comes out drastically clearer than the print would.
In order to get the overall best quality for your digital photo - the negative is the best option, however, the print will work just fine.
Scanning services can take your photo and turn it digital with high quality besides the fact that you do not have your negatives.
Negatives, however, are not always the best option.
Due to the nature in which they are stored and the material they are made out of, they are vulnerable to scratches or other forms of damage.
Say, for example, there is a scratch on your negative, then your best option would obviously be the photo.
The negative is clearly the better choice because it was the first element in which the picture was captured in.
The frustrating part about this subject is the fact that a lot of people throw away their negative or do not store them properly.
Anyhow, the regular photo is still a solid option.
Before you send your negatives to be copied, make sure you check for any damages.
Scratches are quite abundant with this material, depending on the environment in which the negatives are stored in.
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