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Essential Techniques For Women"s Weight Training Exercises
I will explain some important techniques so you can implement them in your next women's weight training exercises to get the most benefit, and I will explain why you should follow these techniques.
Here we go...
Technique One for Women's Weight Training In any exercise you perform while you are standing there are certain postural positions you should follow, and when I say "certain," I really mean the normal and functional postural position: - Feet are facing forward and about a hip-width apart.
Here is an example: When you are performing squats, whether using your own body weight, or you are adding external weights like dumbbells or barbells, your feet should be facing straight forward, and a hip-width apart for the best stability and leverage.
If your feet are turning out like a pigeon or inward like a duck, then you are compensating.
In other words, you are not using the appropriate muscles for that position, but you are using secondary muscles.
- Chest should be high and the back is straight Don't slump your shoulders forward and down which also in most cases will create a kyphosis or a hunched-like back.
So, for example, if you are performing the seated cable lat-pull down, your back should maintain the normal curve at the lower back area, the upper back should not be rounded, and your shoulders should be retracted (pinch shoulder blades together).
- Maintain neutral head position Your head should be in the center exactly between your shoulders, and just as important your head should not be pushed forward (most common) nor way to the back (less common).
Either position is not the normal position where the head should be centered in the middle; not forward or extended backward, or closer to one shoulder than the other.
You are putting too much strain on those supportive muscles when the head is not centered because the gravity is merciless in terms of pulling the head several times more than it should be if it was on top of your spinal column.
Many women these days do suffer from the above postural misalignment, and it may be more damaging with the women's weight training exercises.
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