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Bodybuilding Programs Should Have Plenty of Free Weight Movements
This is without a doubt very true.
So why do people insist on using machines for their entire workouts? Simple, they are being lazy.
It's much easier to sit down on a machine, select your weight with a pin, and start your movement.
However, like anything else you get what you put into it.
Now I'm not saying that you should only include free weights in your bodybuilding programs as there are many benefits of using machines.
I recommend trying to use free weights for at least half of all your exercises in each workout you do.
Utilizing more free weights in your bodybuilding programs will not only help pile on large amounts of mass, but it will also help you build a more balanced physique.
Since most machines do not require you to have any kind of balance it's very easy to pick up bad habits often resulting in bad symmetry.
The four main free weight movements you should always use are as follows: Bent barbell rows Doing exercises like bent barbell rows help you build and condition many different muscles.
Since a bent barbell row is performed in a bent position you have to keep your spinal erectors, glutes, and hamstrings tight throughout the entire set ultimately helping you build thick and dense muscle all along your back side.
Dead lifts Performing dead lifts will also help you build a thick strong back.
This exercise can help you add tremendous width and mass to your shoulders, back, hamstrings, and glutes.
Military presses This exercise will help build thick, strong, and separated deltoids and is a must in any shoulder workout rather it be performed with a barbell or dumbbells.
By adding mass and strength to your anterior deltoids it can ultimately help you handle more weight on any pressing movements.
This includes your bench press, helping add more weight to your one rep max and adding more mass to your chest.
Barbell squats This compound movement is the ultimate mass builder for your legs and should not be taken lightly.
Barbell squats in your bodybuilding programs are a must and should be performed in almost every leg workout.
This exercise will help you build massive glutes, quads, and hamstrings if performed correctly.
It's also important to note that this exercise can be incredibly hard to perform correctly, especially when you are just starting out.
It can take a lot of conditioning for your core before your spinal erectors can handle the heavy weights.
This is why it's important to condition your abdominals, obliques, and spinal erectors to stabilize your spine while performing this exercise (this goes for dead lifts as well).
If you add the exercises mentioned above in your bodybuilding programs you will make steady mass and strength gains in just about all of the exercises you perform.
It's important that you stick with them and constantly push yourself to go heavy using excellent form.
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