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Having a Boy or Girl? Now You Have the Power to Choose
What is the Shettles Method?
The most popular ways of naturally manipulating the gender your baby were based on the studies by US doctor, Dr. Landrum Shettles. Dr. Shettle believed that gender manipulation can be possible, based on the behavior of each sperm, X and Y. Through his observation on the behavior of each type of sperm, many methods were formulated to control the gender of a couples to-be-conceived baby.
One of the methods for choosing baby gender naturally that were based on Shettles studies is the timing of the couples sexual contacts. If a couple wants to have a boy, they should time their sexual contacts just a day before or the day itself of ovulation. On the other hand, if they want to have a baby girl, they need to try for a baby 2-3 days before ovulation. The reason behind this is that, according to Shettle, male producing sperm lasts only for a short time in a womans cervix, while female producing sperm last longer. Depositing the sperm 3 days before ovulation would increase male producing sperm to die, while the female producing ones live, resulting in a female offspring.
Sexual Positioning Who swims faster?
According to Shettles observation, the male carrying sperm are faster swimmers than female carrying sperm. For this reason, it is advised that couples who wish to have a baby boy, should use sexual positions where the semen can be deposited as close to the cervix as possible. To produce a girl, the semen needs to deposit far from the cervix. Even though female sperm are slow swimmers, they are tougher, which means that they may reach the egg last, but whats important is that theyll reach it, unlike male sperm that can die while travelling a long way to reach the egg.
having a boy or girl is no longer a question for you, if you decide to use these methods of baby gender predictions. However, since the Shettles method has not been scientifically proven yet, its not guaranteed that what worked for some couples will work on you. Perhaps with careful planning, you will achieve satisfying results. After all, the natural methods of baby gender predictions [] is still highly accurate than those of conventional medicine.
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