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Accept No Cheap Imitations - Successfully Single
How about haste makes waste? The most important decisions we make in life are those regarding relationships; relationships with God, family, friends, and money.
Relationships are so important in life.
The people you choose to hang around greatly affect your life.
My Dad used to tell me, "You become who you hang around.
" I didn't like to hear that then, but there is a lot of wisdom there.
I Corinthians 15:33 (NAS)...
Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals.
Relationships typically start off with an attraction.
Attractions that are distractions can delay, detach, and disorient.
Be careful what you are attracted to and distracted from.
The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You...
Isaiah 26:3 (NAS) Attractions can be misleading at times.
It is so important to know and understand who God has created you to be.
It is important to know and define your assignment in life.
This can only be done by seeking and listening to what He speaks to you.
Read His Word, communicate verbally with Him, and discipline your actions to match your theology.
When you know and understand who you are, you will be able to discern unhealthy attractions.
Oil and water do not mix; neither do light and darkness.
No matter how hard you try, they won't merge or co-operate.
Avoid missionary dating; do not entertain an attraction where your values, priorities, and devotions are different.
I would really like to encourage anyone that has recently, or long-ago been hurt in a love relationship to seek Biblical Counsel before moving ahead into future relationships.
Get a clear picture of who you are, what you want, and where you are headed based on who God created you to be.
Contentment and fulfillment will not come through relationships with others.
These come when you learn who you were created to be, and then pursue wholeheartedly who you were designed to become.
The term "Settlers" should be reserved for our ancestors that established civilization, not lonely people seeking fulfillment in relationships.
Don't allow the pressure of being single or alone cause you to lower your standards when it comes to entering relationships.
Define who you are and what you want in a relationship, and don't settle for less! 'Accept No Cheap Imitations.