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The Symptoms and Causes of Yeast Infections
This fungus, called Candida albicans, accumulates on the vulva and the surrounding areas to the vagina.
It is a very uncomfortable condition that may cause some minor inconveniences.
The yeast is the result of organisms that are found on the skin and inside the vagina.
When an outside agent over stimulates its growth, an infection occurs.
When the vagina becomes irritated it is important to keep the area as clean as possible.
Any added moisture to the area should be avoided.
Bedding should be constantly changed and clean undergarments should be worn at all times.
Women that frequently get vaginitis, should seek medical help.
This condition is the result of new yeast entering the vaginal area and out growing the normal yeast levels that naturally occur.
Some naturalist believe the condition should be left untreated allowing the body to cure itself but this is a marginal point of view.
It is best to treat and heal the condition before it worsens.
Although this can be transferred to a sexual partner, it is not a venereal disease.
Men that become infected must also use an anti-fungal treatment to rid the irritation on the penis.
Women should not participant in sexual intercourse if they come down with this condition.
The symptoms of vaginitis include itchiness, soreness and burning sensations.
There is a thick, odorless discharge that resembles cottage cheese.
The condition can last anywhere from two to seven days, anything longer may need medical attention.
Vaginitis commonly occurs just before a menstrual cycle.
Anti-fungal medication, applied to the infected area, is the best course of action to rid the infection.
More severe cases may require a visit to the doctor.
Doctors may administer oral medication for extreme cases.
But this form of medical has some side effects; like headaches and dizziness, that doctors prefer to avoid.
But usually, women take over-the-counter treatments in the form of suppositories or creams.
Yeast infections are so common that every 3 out of 4 of women will have one in their lifetime.
Half of all women have more than one infection in their lifetime.
If you have these symptoms see your doctor.
They will probably want to talk about your symptoms and examine you to make sure a yeast infection is the cause.
It is important to note that woman sometimes misdiagnose their condition and may in fact be suffering from a more serious infection.
If you are not sure, seek medical attention.
On a positive note, these infections are normally easy to detect and easy to cure.