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The First Step to Preventing Home Allergies For Your Child
An allergy is a dysfunction of the immune system and its nature is very individual, often genetic.
a reaction can be caused by several substances.
The Nature of the reaction is very individual, the damage can be from harmless temporary discomfort to permanent damage and even death.
Although allergies can be cured in some cases, it is best to avoid them to begin with.
For example, a lot of people are allergic to cigarette smoke, if a person however stays in the vicinity of cigarette smoke (or smokes) for long enough, it is very likely that enough immunity is built upon for the smoke to not create enough damage.
However, the damage in the process of gaining immunity can be considerable.
How to prevent allergies in your child: The simplest option is to get your child tested for allergies upon birth.
Yes, there are far too many allergies to test against them all, which is why, use this as a criteria: 1.
Ask the hospital about the most common allergies children contract around where you live 2.
Ask all members of your and your partner's family about the allergies they had 3.
Have some research done on the type of allergies commonly caught by people who have the same blood report as your child.
You have to consider several aspects of lifestyle before you bring your child home, 1.
) you must absolutely avoid smoking in the child's presence 2.
) do not use too much perfume 3.
) keep food as organic as possible 4.
) make sure you have your home extremely clean.
) Make sure the food is never undercooked 6.
) Keep the monthly visit to the doctor if the child is not showing any health problems.
It is always recommended to avoid taking the child out on busy hours, especially because of motorized vehicles.
You have to understand that the child is very sensitive to damage and any damage taken before the age of 2 has the chance of causing permanent problems.
That being said, it is extremely important to take your child out in the sunshine, preferably sunrise, fresh air and playing would play a vital role in not only building immunity but increasing the overall health of the child.
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