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Shag Rugs, Still Stylish After All These Years
There are many possible themes in which to decorate your home but which themes you choose and how you choose to express them are a matter of individual choice.
Shag rugs are a versatile article appropriate for use in many different decors.
You needn't go all out in seventies' style to utilize shag rugs in your interior design plans.
These rugs are entirely compatible with almost any contemporary interior layout.
While most people think of gaudy blends of avocado green, orange, rust, yellow, dingy white and other such clashing colors inexplicably blended together into a furry mess when they think of shag rugs, it is more appropriate, when considering shaggy rugs as a part of your own contemporary living room décor as merely a textured version of other similar rugs.
A solid color shag area rug is really no different in its suitability as a part of a contemporary living room or bedroom rug than is a rug of any other type of weave.
The difference will merely be one of style, choosing a looser, shaggy pile as opposed to the tight pile of many wall to wall carpets or the tight weave and absence of pile found in many other contemporary rugs.
The looser pile of a shag rug provides an uneven an inconsistent textured appearance that many find quite attractive.
Soft underfoot and somewhat unusual in their look and feel, these rugs have retained their popularity over the past forty years while many other accoutrements of seventies' interior design (like bright yellow stoves) have thankfully passed out of use.
So next time you are considering how you can change the look and feel of your home, or just feeling a little nostalgic, consider incorporating a shaggy rug into your home's décor.
Odds are good that whatever color or style of shag rug you choose will still be in style forty years from now.
Now what other home furnishing can you say that about with confidence?
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