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Eight Tips for Sucdeeding in Your Home Based Business.......Whatever It Is!
Starting out in a home based business?
Try these best practices!
1. Understand Why you want to do this?
This is not as easy as it may sound, and it goes beyond the tangible answer of "I need the money." For me, at my age, it was all about hope.
Living from pay check to pay check allowed us to get by--but that was all.
I need to believe that there is more to life than what is now.
2. Identify a bigger reason for doing this.
Yes, we said money is important, but think about a higher level aspiration that this money might allow you to pursue. Ie donating to a local charity, helping others find the path to success.
For me it allows me to contribute to several charities that are important to me: Ronald McDonald House Charities and Susan G. Komen. I do this in memory of my 12 year old son who passed away from Leukemia.
This is a very powerful tip for success.
3. Create Clear goals
Know what you expect from yourself.
Write your goals down and focus on them daily.
4. Give up your back up plan
You can't be focused on your goals, on what you want to create and you can't be committing to those goals, if you have a back up plan.
Checking out all the adds you see on line, looking for new opportunities will only eat away your energy, your commitment and your focus to your goals.
5. Realize your energy will drive your attitude, belief system & actions.10085480-sporty-happy-woman-showing-thumbs-up-success-hand-sign-cheerful-wearing-sporty-cap-fresh-photo-of-as
Positive mindset is key. Get rid of anyone or anything in your life that reeks of negativity.
For me that meant avoiding a lot of the news I was reading/listening to.
It also meant having a few honest conversations with people about the fact that "these conversations really suck the energy out of me, make me feel depressed and hopeless. I don't want to talk about this anymore."
Obviously not everyone wants to hear this--you may loose some so-called friends, but if they are real friends they will see this as your need, not an assault on them.
You can't really do great things if your ignore this success tip!
6. Take every opportunity to rub shoulders with others in your business.
The benefit of being part of a larger organization is that you not only learn from others' experience, but you can benefit from others success in a motivational way.
For some this may mean having coffee weekly with other people who work at home.
For me, it means dialing into our daily mindset calls, our weekly team meetings and our weekly Empower Hour Calls.
7. Read everything you can get your hands on that relates to your business, your leadership and your motivation.
In order to grow your business, new ideas can sometime provide un-anticipated solutions.
Its key to problem solving--the idea of finding solutions where we don't expect them.
For me, my learning was about Internet Marketing and about intention as a way to stay focused when I have a very very busy, demanding life!
8. Do Something! Take Action
Understanding your vision, having goals, and doing these other steps mean absolutely nothing without action.
If your a newbee to your business, there may be the tendency to wait until you know everything and can do everything exactly right!
Forget about it--just do it.
Find a time daily that you will take the necessary actions and commit to that as part of your daily plan.
I'd love to hear what tips have worked for you, and the success you have built in your home based business. Drop me a line on my facebook page: Sharon Mc Dermott Biz.
Sharon McDermott
Make a difference in someones' life today!
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