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How to Get 100 Gallons of Gas For Free
Not having to buy gas based on your savings is identical to getting 100 gallons for free, wouldn't you agree?
- Proper Tire Inflation
- For every pound your tires are underinflated, you can reduce your gas mileage 3%
- Empty your trunk and backseat
- The more weight you haveto move, the more gas you use
- Combine your errands into less trips
- Warm engines work much moreefficiently than cold engines.
- Warm engines usesignificantly less gas starting than cold engines
- Warm engines work much moreefficiently than cold engines.
- Do not let your car idle unnecessarily.
- If you find that you willbe sitting still for an extended period of time -
- Apply your parking brake,shift the transmission into neutral.
- If off road, turn offthe car if you are going to be idle for more than 2 minutes
- Apply your parking brake,shift the transmission into neutral.
- If you find that you willbe sitting still for an extended period of time -
- Fill your gas tank in the early morning hours.
- The warmer thetemperature, the more the gas will evaporate meaning less fuel in yourtank.
- Use the lowest setting onthe filler pump handle
- The warmer thetemperature, the more the gas will evaporate meaning less fuel in yourtank.
- Keep a constant vigilance about conditions on the road.
The Three A's...
- Always watch ahead!
- Anticipate!
- Awareness!
- When you see trafficslowing, brake lights, a red light or whenever you see traffic slowingahead, take your foot off the accelerator, coast and slowly brake.
- Your car will use muchless gas (and reduce brake wear) than maintaining or even acceleratingonly to have to brake heavily as you approach at the last minute,
- Your car uses a greatdeal more fuel accelerating from a stop than from the even the slightestrolling forward momentum.
Try totime your deceleration and try to keep moving while approaching conditionsclear ahead of you
- When you see trafficslowing, brake lights, a red light or whenever you see traffic slowingahead, take your foot off the accelerator, coast and slowly brake.
- Keep your car clean and waxed
- A clean, smooth exteriormeans less wind resistance, especially when driving at higher limited-access/interstateroadway speeds
- If the weather provides you with a choice between running your car's air conditioner or driving with open windows, chose the most fuel efficient.
- If you are driving in astop and go, high-traffic environment, you will benefit from enjoyingnature - roll 'em down.
- Air conditioning is atits least efficiency at slow speeds and increases the load on yourengine
- If you are driving under constantspeed highway conditions and you maintain a speed above 50 MPH, roll 'emup.
- The aerodynamicefficiency of the car at highway speeds with windows closed offsets thereduction in engine efficiency caused by the air conditioner'scompressor.
- The aerodynamicefficiency of the car at highway speeds with windows closed offsets thereduction in engine efficiency caused by the air conditioner'scompressor.
- If you are driving in astop and go, high-traffic environment, you will benefit from enjoyingnature - roll 'em down.
- Keep your car's maintenance up-to-date.
Not following the car manufacturer's recommend intervals for scheduled services (oil changes, filter changes, tune-ups, etc) can really reduce your fuel mileage significantly - Avoid quick starts and heavy acceleration whenever possible.
- Try the "Raw Egg" method -Pretend you have a raw egg between your foot and the accelerator.
Nice and easy and the egg will notbreak and your miles-per-gallon increase.
- Try the "Raw Egg" method -Pretend you have a raw egg between your foot and the accelerator.