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The Different Types of Stress
Since the causes vary, the effects vary too.
Clinical and research studies have determined different types of stress.
In order to deal with the stress, it is vital for you to determine what is causing it, since Moreover, different types of stress need different stress relieving approaches.
Principally, three types of stress have been broadly recognized, which are acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress.
However, a fourth kind is increasingly making itself very prevalent, known as the psychological.
Acute Stress This is the commonly occurring form of stress and it occurs due to the everyday pressure and stressful situations that one is subjected to.
In small measures, acute stress can be advantageous to an individual for it may act as a trigger for better performance.
However, it can lead to many problems if it is neglected for long.
Acute stress has easily recognizable symptoms and the chiefly affect for a short term.
Some of the common symptoms are back or neck pain, stiffness in the muscles, headache, quickened heartbeat, sweaty palms, cold hands or feet.
Episodic Acute Stress As mentioned earlier, acute stress is a pretty common affair.
However, there are a few who undergo stress more often than others.
This happens to people who are mostly too focused on organization and performance based projects.
Thus, these people become irritable time and again sometimes with themselves for underperformance and sometimes even with the surroundings.
Chronic Stress This type of stress wears out a person.
Also, it accumulates over time and has the capability to have long-term effects on a person, both emotionally and physically.
Most kinds of chronic stress are produced by trauma that a person finds difficult to overcome and therefore, it creates a prolonged stressful situation which produces a continued disruption of their everyday lives.
One of the most common problems with this type of stress is that since a person goes through it for so long that they start believing it is a second nature to them and that it is not something that they can dispose off.
This makes the treatment more difficult, since the person affected by this is often unaware that it might be a medical condition and not something innate in them.
However, if detected, it can be treated with various stress management processes and behavioral treatment.
Psychological Stress This type of stress has its own complexities.
Psychological stress is related more to a person's inability to respond to a certain situation.
During hazardous situations, the body secretes hormones known as adrenaline and cortisol which prompt the body to make a response.
If a person is suffering from psychological stress, the body fails to respond even when these hormones have been secreted.
Since the hormones cause the heart rate to raise failure to respond and owing to the continued rise in heart rate there can often be fatal problems.
Special groups for counseling are available these days to help people with this condition.
It is important that they overcome this peril in order to regain control over their lives.
When it comes to managing stress, there are myriad ways to do that.
But when all such ways come to nothing, people tend to undergo some specialized hypnotherapy who can more often than not help them bring their stress to a bearable level.
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