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Self Employed Liability Insurance - What It Is and Why You Should Get It
When you work for yourself and not a larger corporation, you take all of the responsibility into your own hands.
If an accident were to occur while you were providing someone with your products or services, then you could be held liable and would be vulnerable to law suits and claims made by the customer.
Liability insurance would protect you in these instances and help cover the costs associated with such an incident.
Most people who own their own business falsely believe that liability is covered in their general business insurance policy, when in most cases it is not.
Self employed liability insurance is not overly expensive, but must be purchased in addition to a general policy.
The cost and level of your chosen policy would be dependent upon the type of business you run.
For instance, the liability rates for those in a construction business would be much higher than that of a florist, because the risk of injury to the costumer or their property is much higher.
The riskier your business is, the more you can expect to pay out in yearly premium charges.
Since most business owners are at some kind of risk of being held liable for possible damage to property or injury to customers, it is important to purchase quality self employed liability insurance that best fits your personal needs.
The first step is to locate a reputable insurance carrier that offers liability coverage for business owners.
A qualified insurance agent will be able to sit down and discuss the various options and coverage levels available and they will advise you as to the plan they think will best suit your needs.
Getting an initial quote and evaluation can help you better understand the need for such insurance and what the cost will run per year.
As a business owner, you have a lot of freedoms that those in the corporate world do not.
Unfortunately, you also have some added responsibilities to yourself and your customers as well.
Just carrying a general business insurance policy may not be enough to protect you.
Self employed liability insurance can help you protect your interests in the event of an accident or potential lawsuit.
This information can help you understand what liability insurance is and why it is a crucial part of owning your own business.
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