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Natural Substance That Reverses Skin Aging - Is There Actually a Substance That Reverses Aging?
Most of the companies that make up the cosmetics industry claim to offer you this very thing in the formulas they produce featuring collagen and elastin.
The fact is though, that these formulas will do absolutely nothing to help you to achieve younger looking skin.
Just about everybody knows that it is the breakdown of your hyaluronic acid, and the lowered production rate of your collagen and elastin that causes the majority of your wrinkles.
The cosmetics companies understand that this is fairly common knowledge, which is why they have developed so many formulas that feature these compounds as ingredients.
These companies also understand however, that these formulas don't work.
It would seem to make sense that the natural substance that reverses skin aging would be the one that you are rapidly losing.
It is not the logic of replacing your lost connective tissue with more of the same that is faulty, but the method of delivery.
Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are all exceedingly dense compounds, so your ski is incapable of absorbing them.
If the primary ingredients in your skin care formula cannot enter your skin, then they are absolutely useless to you.
What you need to do is look for an anti aging formula that has primary ingredients that have been proven to be able to be absorbable by your skin.
You need to look for the formulas that feature the protein and enzyme fusion known as Cynergy TK.
Cynergy TK is a natural substance that reverses skin aging dramatically increases the production rates of both your collagen and elastin.
The formulas that contain this component are brought to you by a company in New Zealand, which has also discovered a compound that will halt the breakdown of your hyaluronic acid.
This compound is called Phytessence Wakame.
Your hyaluronic acid is constantly under attack by a particular enzyme in your skin that has been programmed to break the tissue down.
What Phytessence Wakame, which is an extract derived from kelp, does is it in turn attacks the enzyme and renders it impotent.
This action allows your levels of hyaluronic acid to return to those of someone much younger than yourself.
So there you have two components that qualify as a natural substance that reverses skin aging and lucky for you they are both working together.
Give the formulas containing these compounds a try, and you will see a world of difference in the way you look.