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House Cleaning Routines Save the Day
One of the most important rooms in the house to keep clean is the kitchen, as it is one of the most used. When cleaning it, you should first remove the knobs and drip pans and allow them to soak in soapy water while you work your way around the room from the right of the stove. Always begin to the right of the stove, working your way around. When you sanitize the sink, use a mist of vinegar followed by a mist of peroxide, let it dry, and follow it up with mineral oil to help prevent mold build up. If you are fortunate to have a dishwasher, you can use baking soda on a damp sponge and clean all the build up from the inside, then use sanitizer or bleach to sanitize the inside.
Next step in good house cleaning, after the dishwasher, is the oven, which is easy if you use a re-usable oven liner that can just be wiped off and put in the dishwasher every so often. If you want to be greener, use a microfiber cloth for cleaning, wash it, and use it over and over. Put water in the sink while you eat dinner so that you can be soaking your dishes while you eat. When finished washing, put your damp sponge in the microwave for thirty seconds to disinfect it.
Another room that needs extra attention in your house cleaning schedule, is the bathroom. Simple ways to keep it clean daily is to use a lemon oil on glass shower doors a few times a month and use a car window cleaner bi-annually, then throw your liner in with a few towels and re-hang it. Use a citric acid mix so that the toilet water is non-toxic, just in case your pet drinks from the bowl, and use a liquid drain cleaner with boiling water so that any clog problems can be avoided before they start. Wipe around bedtime so that you can start the next day clean.
Next, keep the bedroom clean and clutter free by making your bed because it helps the bedroom look neater. Get rid of all the stuff that you don't need, such as clothes you haven't worn in a year and keep only the bedroom essentials next to the bed in a small basket, along with a lamp, a box of tissues, and an alarm.
Finally, stay in control of the laundry by folding it immediately after it is finished. To save money and help the environment, use cold water, unless you are washing sheets, towels, or undergarments.
Just remember that you can often multi-task to help your house cleaning go even faster. It may also help you know where the tough spots are and stay on top