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Asbestos Settlement Cases Are Common
Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease caused by excessive and prolonged exposure to asbestos, usually over a long period of time.
There are almost countless manufacturing companies who have turned a blind eye, knowing full well their plants and factories have contained dangerous amounts of the life-threatening material.
Consequently 2,000 to 3,000 people fall victim to an asbestos related disease such as asbestosis or mesothelioma every year in the US! Needless to say, these companies end up paying dearly in the end in the form of lawsuits and settlements, but not as dearly as the people who usually die from these dreaded diseases.
Workers most vulnerable to these diseases are shipyard workers, people in the construction business, miners, and manufacturing plant workers.
Treating asbestos-related diseases is expensive, so many affected people end up suing companies for not taking proper precautions and subjecting them to cancer-causing conditions.
Although it sometimes makes sense to continue litigation in court to seek damages and pay for victims' medical expenses, most people eventually hire an experienced lawyer to settle with the defendants' insurance companies because it's a quicker process and it saves them from being tangled in the court process for months to years! In an asbestos settlement case, the victim must prove a defendant was negligent, that the asbestos-related disease was caused by exposure to it, and the type and amount of damages caused by the negligence.
Also, states differ in statute of limitations, so consult with your attorney to verify how much time you have to file a lawsuit.