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What Is the File Extension CPR?
- A file with the cpr file extension is known as a Cubase project file.
- Cpr files contain a list of specifications for an audio file created with Cubase DAW. The cpr file extension serves as a marker to your computer, signaling that the file requires Cubase DAW to be accessed.
- Cpr files contain information about the names and locations of tracks or instrunmental sounds used in the creation of a song or audio file as well as the settings that you have specified for the file. This includes what volume or level the tracks should be played out and when each track should stop or start.
- The cpr file only contains the information that Cubase DAW needs to play your audio file. It does not contain any of the music.
- Cpr files are created by and able to be accessed with Cubase LE, Cubase SX/SL or the standard version of Cubase versions four or later. If you attempt to open a cpr file with an earlier version of Cubase, you will receive an error message.
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