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How to Prevent Man Boobs
Many a celebrity has been "papped" flashing his man boobs on a beach somewhere.
But it's not just the rich and famous with decadent lifestyles that are prone to this embarrassing condition.
The sad fact is that your average Joe is just as likely to be affected.
So why do you get man boobs? There are multiple reasons and once you know what they are you can act to prevent developing man boobs.
Among the most common causes of man boobs are the onset of puberty, alcohol and drug abuse, some prescription medications and certain illnesses.
The use of steroids either for medical or enhancement purposes can also cause this condition.
Man boobs in puberty will usually go away once the boy reaches maturity.
However, if they don't there could be some hormonal imbalance present and medical advice should be sought.
It goes without saying that the abuse of alcohol and drugs should be avoided at all costs.
This will not only prevent you from developing man boobs but protect you from all the other life threatening effects that alcohol and drugs bring with them.
I'm not saying you should live like a monk either.
A couple of beers after work on a Friday never hurt anyone.
Getting trashed daily and smoking weed did! Next, take at good look at your general lifestyle, most importantly your diet and how much exercise you take.
If you are overweight you will be carrying fat in the chest area which makes you look like you have breasts.
Losing weight and exercises designed for the chest area should correct this.
If you are not generally overweight but still have a flabby chest could be suffering from a condition called Gynecomastia.
The reason for this is normally hormonal or linked to a chromosome disorder.
This condition will only go away with medical diagnosis and treatment.
You should visit your doctor at least once a year for a full physical where any problems can be picked up and treated quickly.
Women are much more aware of the breast area and know how to check themselves for any changes.
Men on the other hand don't do this.
You should take a tape and measure yourself at least once a month to check for any enlargement in the chest area.
If you are at all worried, then contact your doctor.