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"Lifeliner - The Judy Taylor Story" by Shireen Jeejeebhoy
Her illness began when she was approaching her mid-thirties.
She and her husband were enjoying a good life while raising their three daughters in Toronto.
When her illness strikes, Judy is introduced to Dr.
Khursheed Jeejeebhoy.
Jeejeebhoy is able to save Judy's life by developing an artificial feeding program called Total Parental Nutrition which is referred to as TPN.
"Lifeliner" is written by the doctor's daughter.
Judy was one of Dr.
Jeejeebhoy's early patients; therefore, a lot of his success was based upon trial and error.
For over twenty years they worked together.
In enduring the trials, Judy had to undergo some painful and debilitating experiences.
However, without these efforts, she would not have survived.
Judy's husband provided her with a tremendous amount of love and support.
It seemed like their special connection helped to give her the strength to get through the really rough packages.
A side effect of this ordeal was how her illness affected her relationship with her children.
It was very difficult for them to have to live with knowing that they could lose their mother at any time.
This seriously affected them into their adulthood.
Having been a pharmacy technician, in my younger days, at two hospitals on both coasts, I really appreciated learning the history of TPNs and about the amount of dedication and perseverance that led to their development.
I knew that they were to help keep people alive, but did not fully understand their significance until I read "Lifeliner.
"The amount of time that it took pharmacists to make them in the 1980s to 1990s was nothing in comparison to the amount of time to put them together as they were being developed.
This story is a must read for doctors, pharmacists and nurses.
Judy's story in "Lifeliner" really touched my heart.
Instead of giving up and allowing herself to succumb, Judy stuck it out.
She did the best that she could to take care of her family.
She kept her spirit strong and was an inspiration to others who were being introduced to TPNs.
When she would go to the hospital for her checkups, she would take the time to go visit these patients and give them hope.
Having been able to leave the hospital and take care of her feedings at home, showed them that they could get most of their lives back.
Reading Judy's story also inspired me.
During her story, she advises a friend not to take life for granted, and to make sure that she takes time to enjoy it.
We all need to follow this advice, especially while we still have our health, so that we can be sure to enjoy life to its fullest.
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (2/08)
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