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Candida Yeast Infection Treatment
The enzymesare suppose to enhance the candida infectionstrength and may treat several other groups ofallergens along the way.The EPD treatment for candida yeast infectiongoes like this:For a period of ten days before the firstinjection, the patients are given Sporanox, whichis an anti fungal for systematic candida, and De-Nol an anti- gastric ulcer agent that reduces theability of candida to plant its roots in the mucuslinings of the intestinal tract.For approximately 3 days before the injection,patients undergo a semi-fast in which they needto avoid the consumption of all food allergenscombined with the intake of the followingsupplements that improve the effectiveness ofthe EPD treatment: Zinc, Folic acid and VitaminD3.The response of the EPD treatment for candidayeast infection varies among patients. Somepatients may experience sudden and dramaticimprovement that wears off in time while someneed increased doses through longer intervalsuntil improvement is maintained.
Either way, EPD is not a permanent solution forcandida. EPD is after all a one-dimensionaltreatment that focuses merely on the dietary andallergy reaction factor that trigger candidaovergrowth. EPD's effects wear off in time and Ifyou have significant gut problems, bacterialinfections, parasites or systematic candida, EPDwill not work.The only way one can ever overcome candidayeast infection is by tackling all candida-contributing factors, the holistic way, not justthe dietary or allergy triggering factors. By fixingthe internal cause of candida overgrowth, allcandida related symptoms would banish,permanently along with the feeling of increasedenergy, improved vision, health and well-being.
This article is based on the book, "YeastInfection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is anauthor, researcher, nutritionist and healthconsultant who dedicated her life to creatingthe ultimate holistic yeast infection solutionguaranteed to permanently cure the root ofcandida and dramatically improve the overallquality of your life, naturally, without the useprescription medication and without any sideeffects. Learn more by visiting her website at