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Get-To-Sleep Method From Chinese Healing Understandings
(That happens to me often!) There was an article about ten ways to get better sleep and all were very good, short methods.
Here are some ideas I would like to share.
Much of what I offer in classes that I teach, comes from Ancient Chinese Medicine Remedies and requires that anytime you learn something you must do it for 100 days in a row to set in the habit before you expect it to instantly work.
It is not a pill or a bath.
Those ways might work right away or never work for you like anything you set out to use to help you.
However, the Ancient Chinese throughout the ages including now, suggest that you practice the following method nightly.
(Yet some people will definitely get results right away.
Please don't say to yourself a negative mantra that would exclude that possibility!) Do you realize that the Sanskrit word, 'mantra' itself means to say something over and over?.
Any mantra might be positive but it can be negative if it stops you from believing in yourself.
You might think you are an exception to the rules.
Forget about why that happens to some of you! Please read this article...
OVER and OVER!) 1.
There are six healing sounds that you learn to vocalize while you picture each of the 5 Viscera.
(In Chinese Medicine healing techniques, we get very user-friendly with these five organs:
- lungs
- kidneys
- liver
- heart and
- spleen
The sixth one can work well by itself and I will explain it after a few preparations here.
If you want to learn the others, come on the 2nd.
Sunday of each month to my 'Orient to the Tao Workshop' at my space in N.
Hollywood Beach, Florida.
It is free.
Also one of the newest and clearest ways to digest this information is in a book called Emotional Wisdom by Mantak Chia and Dena Saxer, New World Library, ISBN 978-1-57731-612-1, (pbk.
paper) 2.
When you get into bed, do all the things that relax you and/or those that you know from yoga: conscious breathing methods, relaxing each part of the body, etc.
I add this, however: before you start relaxing yourself, WIGGLE into the mattress and lay flat with your legs comfortably apart.
Make certain you are not twisting your body and that your spine is aligned.
Be sure the small of your back is lengthened down into the mattress.
Think of the 'small of your back' as you wiggle, as the 'LARGE of your back.
' Uncurl your fingers and toes as if a honey-like substance was running through them as water runs through a hose.
Palms of your hand should face upwardly.
Imagine the palm centers have a mouth and can breath, and the souls of your feet can also breath.
Picture the mouths at the hollow spot in the center under the balls of each of your hands or under the balls of your feet.
Smile and even laugh at a silly joke.
Observe yourself smiling not just from your lips but from your eyes.
This is the Sixth sound I mentioned above: 'Heeeeeeee' that is voiced very quietly like a whisper.
Without any movement, (which I will describe later to accompany the sound,) practice making the whisper-like sound on its own.
Extend it as long as the movement will take, which is about just under a half minute or even 18 seconds.
If you run out of breath, please simply do not worry about it and sneak a little more breath in to complete the movement.
The sound is directed to a part of the energy system that is called 'Triple Warmer' which is part of the understandings of the acupuncture system.
The Warmers are divided into its three segments: A.
the head, the neck, heart down to the top of the solar plexus, B.
the solar plexus itself and C.
the navel to the perineum and this third part can include the arms and legs.
What happens is: while you are comfortable in your bed, on an inhale, raise your arms with unlocked, rounded joints from where they would be by your sides, upwardly via the sides of your body until the hands are above your head toward the ceiling.
Allow the fingers of each hand to face toward the other hands fingers' tips.
Now whisper out your 'heeeeeeeeeeeeee' sound as you lower your hands consciously down the center line of your body scanning above the points in the upper warmer: (Eye brow center, lips, base of throat where there is a hollow, heart i.
(center of breast bone) and top of the solar plexus, (where there is a soft spot under the sternum bone, which is another name for the breast bone.
) Continue to the middle warmer only, which ends at your navel.
Then continue down the lower warmer: navel center, above the pubic bone, and perineum, bottom-most part of your torso.
) Your hands can go to the sides near your thighs as they were when you began and you can include your arms and legs in the scan.
Let all your body rest.
Breath AND SMILE and repeat a total of six times.
Some people feel looser if they imagine they are made of dough and someone is rolling your body into a smoother, less bumpy self while they scan you.
You own hands become like an 'M.
' scanner and you pass with a positive result.
If you feel sleepy the 3rd.
time or even after the 1st.
time, you might just fall asleep without doing all six times.
Over the years, I mostly teach it just once and so few students tell me they would have wanted to do more than one repetition of this sound! Most people who have had a challenging time falling asleep have become this way due to complicating things through over-thinking about them with what many call the 'monkey mind.
' So give yourself a break from listening to redundant, jumping thoughts and instead focus on this exercise.
Do it right by practicing over and over.
Time is on your side and transformation toward becoming a relaxed, happier and easily sleeping being is what you deserve.
YES, you DO!!!
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