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How To Market Locally While Expanding Your Base In Your Home Town
I'll give you some of the techniques I've used here successfully in my hometown of Barre, MA and some that I plan to make use of in the future.
Barre MA is a small town in Central MA of about 5000 people.
Before re-locating here, I was in Readsboro, VT for about 8 years, Readsboro has a population of 4o6 in the winter and about 800 in the warmer months.
It was in Readsboro that I got my first computer and started online marketing, beginning with eBay and then expanding to marketing my products and services on my own web site as well as eBay.
Now Readsboro is a small town, but like most American homes, nearly everyone has a computer and Internet service, albeit dial-up.
Point being that my wife and myself would always punch in Readsboro VT into the search engines to see if anything current would pop up.
As you may guess, nothing much did.
We reasoned that if we were punching Readsboro into the search engines then other locals must be as well, so I started to post some of my services online, before long we got hits and business from people who found us that came from nearby towns and Readsboro itself.
Some of these folks had never heard of us even though we shared a town of 400, but they found us online.
Some people knew of us, but through our online efforts got a better understanding of our business.
My wife and I did a little research and sure enough, people in small towns do frequently enter the town name in the search engine for many reasons such as: finding out about current events, an interest in past history, to research businesses, and just general curiosity.
The message here: don't ignore the huge opportunity right in your own back yard.
If I've convinced you read on for some of the techniques I mentioned and please feel free to post ideas and comments in the comment section, let's hear what your doing in your hometown.
For more auction advice and information please go to the site in the resource box.
Here's are some of the things I do: Bulletin Boards I make use of all the local bulletin boards and keep my fliers and handbills fresh.
Don't forget to frequent the businesses that allow the posting of these valuable public media centers.
Be sure to include your web URL and email as well as phone # and other information.
Renting space or consigning in a local store.
Many Mom and Pop Shopsare happy to take consignments or rent out a booth or a small portion of their store to offset overhead.
It's great networking for both parties and is a low impact solution for the store owner and the renter.
I'm not just talking about places that advertise that they take consignments or rent space, even store owners who never thought of such things could very well be open to it if they're only asked.
Offering online skills & services If you have an online presence you can even offer web services to these businesses or help them sell their product or get them up and running online.
I post and maintain two listings on Auctionzip.
com or local auctioneers who have no interest in doing so themselves, but are interested in the benefit being online brings.
I get traffic from links I post in their listings, which are automated once they're up and running, they get the exposure online, & Auctionzip gets two more auctioneers in their ever growing database.
Linking to Locals Of course networking and linking also works with local businesses that already have an online presence as well as those that don't.
In this scenario the benefit of the small town businesses that co-operate and link up is multiplied greatly when they acknowledge each other in a positive way.
Think of it as an online Chamber of Commerce, but without the meetings and fees.
Shaking Hands While this may seem obvious, there are countless gains to be made from getting out in the world, shaking hands and meeting the people that run the local businesses in your area.
Even with the millions of money spent in TV, Radio, and newspaper advertising, nothing makes an impact like person to person contact, that's why politicians still do it.
(You didn't think it was because they really want to meet you,...
did you?) Discounts Many times I find myself privy to certain discounts and privileges just because I introduced myself as a comrade.
By the same toke I often offer my own products or services at a discount as well.
Maybe you end up getting a little less this way, but with business owners, your most likely talking volume and repeat business.
People love a Go-Getter People really do admire someone who goes out beating the bushes to drum up business contacts and networking.
Please don't get the above methods confused with outright sales calls.
I don't need to tell you how unwelcome you'll be at most businesses if the owner thinks your there to sell a product.
For these instances, your there to network business in a mutually beneficial way, don't taint the process by making it a sales call.
Stick to this philosophy: Offer good value, before you ask for anything in return.
If you do this you'll be successful in your efforts.
Podcasting If your a marketing podcaster you know it's a challenge to come up with fresh content on a continual basis.
Local business owners can make great interviewees for podcasts and are usually eager for the exposure.
Good luck and check in with Auctionwally for the latest in marketing & branding techniques.
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