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Emergency Medical Alert Systems Are Simple But Effective
One of the biggest advantages of wireless is that it can transmit sounds through doors and rooms. With all the older technology that utilizes a sensitive microphone and excessive speakers, it would be challenging to penetrate walls and doors, particularly if someone was in the restroom with the water running and the doors closed. Because wireless technologies have become so widespread, it has also grown to be quite inexpensive to manufacture as well. The cost of going wireless is not that much more than going with a wired based unit for communications.
The way in which emergency medical alert systems works is simple. The wearer will put on a necklace or other similar item that has an alert device attached to it with a few buttons. The button can be used to signal to the base unit in the house that there's a problem such as a medical crisis. In many cases a fall with a broken hip, it will be out of the question for the wearer to go to the location of a telephone or mobile phone.
The base unit (or wireless to the base unit via the necklace) will manage all the communications, which is via standard telephone service. In the future, the communications may be over the web especially because so many people have telephone service that already goes through VoIP to save money.
There is a wide selection of medical conditions that may require the use of medical alert alarms. In many cases, there is not time or capability to reach the telephone which may be located in another room. Things such as a fall with a busted hip or the beginning signs of a stroke may make it extremely tough or impossible to move. As long as the person wearing the alert device is conscious enough to press a button, help can be summoned.
This is also a great safety device for those who are disabled and can't easily move about without the use of a wheel chair or any other mobility assistance gadget. If the other mobility device cannot be reached, the wearer merely pushes the button to summon help. The alert call center can then call a relative for help in that sort of scenario.
Another excellent new technology in a medical alert system is fall recognition. In many falls, the wearer of the alert device may well become unconscious for many hours. Using this technology, it is possible to detect a possible fall and to have the call center contact the wearer to see if there are any issues. If there is no response, emergency help is sent.
Part of this system is an inactivity clock that can be triggered following a certain number of hours. If there has been no activity past the limit set (such as 8 hours), the call center will attempt to make contact to ascertain whether there's any medical emergency or not.