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Oracle To Sap Business One Integration Notes For Programmer
1. SAP Business One integration options. Here we assume that you would like to deploy native SAP B1 tools, prior to considering SB1 ISV third party add-ons. SAP Business One Data Transfer Workbench is the first tool you should consider. If you have SAP B1 functional consultants, serving your account, these people are typically trained in importing data, such as Sales Invoice, Customer (Business Partner), Item, Price Lists to SB1, especially if you could provide the sources in the form of Text CSV files. Such method might seem to be too poorly automated, when you need ongoing daily or weekly integration from Oracle to SAP Business One. For more sophisticated and automatic integrations we recommend ODBC based datasets (on the Data File selection step of data migration wizard). We assume that you are on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2000, in this case ODBC could be based on Microsoft SQL Server view, which in turn through Linked Server construction pulls data from Oracle database. You can also create the package, which prepares the data export in Oracle prior to calling DTW in SB1
2. SAP Business One SDK. In SDK your SAP Business One VAR, if they have certified SB1 SDK developers could code integration for you, which is more flexible in comparison to SB1 Data Transfer Workbench. SDK integration could be packages as Exe application, for example, and you could schedule its execution every night or call it from Oracle upon the event (when ecommerce transaction is complete in Oracle Applications, for example). SB1 SDK can push and pull objects to and from SAP Business One and if you include both SAP BO SDK and Oracle integration libraries, you can create bidirectional integration between the two
3. Pulling data from SAP Business One. If you are OK with the option of deploying SAP Business One Data Transfer Workbench for moving transactions to SB1, then you can simply pull data from SAP Business One by connecting from Oracle application to Microsoft SQL Server SB1 company database, especially if you know how to parse and push data to Oracle. To learn SB1 tables structure, you could just login SB1 company, select View System Information menu and open the object you would like to pull from SB1, Sales A/R Invoice, for example. Place cursor on the field next to Customer and you will see on the left bottom part of the screen, that Customer ID is stored in OINV table and the field name is CardCode. This should give you good idea on what to do next
4. SAP Business One is often chosen as international subsidiary ERP application, as SB1 is localized in large spectrum of countries: Brazil, Canada, Europe, Russia, Mexico, Oceania, India, China. If your company has Oracle implemented in US or Canadian headquarters, SB1 to Oracle integration might be valuable solution
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