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Stock Markets - Plan to Fail?
" I remember reading about a Harvard business school study done back in 1979.
It asked graduates of their MBA program a simple question, "Have you set clear, written goals, for your future and made plans to accomplish them?" The results were startling, in that only 3% of the graduates had actually written goals.
13% had goals but had not written them down and 84% had no goals at all.
Now let's fast forward 10 years ..
The researchers interviewed the same class again.
The findings showed that the 13% who had goals, but not in writing, were making on average, twice as much as the 84% of students, who had no goals at all.
Now here's the real grabber, the 3% who had focused, written goals and plans to achieve them, were in fact, making on average 10 times as much as the other 97% of graduates all together! TEN TIMES!!! Read that quote again: "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
" All of that to say, after the horrid stock market of October 2008 I reinvented my approach to investing through the stock market.
Trying to stay on plan and leave less to chance.
Let me share what simple monthly compounding can do for your portfolio: If you invested $25,000.
00 and expected no more than a 6% net increase per month on your investment, your portfolio would grow to over a million dollars in just under 6 years and $50 million in 12 years.
Read those numbers again.
With a plan, 6% net growth per month is quite doable.
This is not an outsourced effort, you are the CEO of this project! And honestly, it's really not rocket science.
Take a deep breath, and take the first step! Don't leave the game unplayed!
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