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Network Marketing Success Tips - A Simple Exercise to Help You Get the Results You Want
With your network marketing or home business, as with all areas of your life, the level of success and results you achieve are in direct proportion to the degree to which your actions are in full alignment with your goals and intentions.
That includes consistently taking the actions necessary to position yourself for success.
When you position yourself for success, you position yourself to receive.
Likewise, when you fail to do so, when you fail to demonstrate follow through, your results are going to continue to be fickle at best.
Why is that? Well, there are many nuances to sending out a consistent set of signals to the universe that represent a consistent vibration.
Too often, there are subtle counter intentions at play which negate the original signal you are intending.
Let's walk through a simple example in which most people get themselves misaligned right out of the gate.
Let's suppose you have a strong desire to be successful with your new home business.
Your desire is strong and you see yourself earning 5 figures a month with your new enterprise.
In fact you feel very excited.
The business you have chosen to start happens to be a network marketing business (since that's one of the easiest businesses to get started with) and you know that to properly position yourself for maximum success in its compensation plan requires you to make a financial investment in yourself and its products.
(This is typically true for any any network marketing business -- really it's true for pretty much any business.
) What happens if you choose not to properly position yourself until after you start making enough money with the business to cover the additional investment? You are immediately signaling a counter intention to what you say you want out of your business and you are already out of alignment in your business.
To not invest is a very common decision people choose to make when they get started in a new network marketing or home business.
But when you choose that, what signal are you sending? On the one hand, you have said to the universe you expect to earn 5 figures a month with your new business.
On the other hand, your hesitation to position yourself for maximum success sends a different signal.
It says, " I am not sure if I can really do this" or "I haven't decided if I'm really ready".
So, have you positioned yourself for success or failure? By law of attraction, the universe is going to mirror back to you what you are sending.
In this example, more often than not, that result is going to be far less than what you desire.
This is one of the primary reasons most business start ups fail.
When your follow-up actions are in conflict with your initial intent, you are signaling to the universe that you don't really want what you said you want.
This inconsistency in follow-through action will for the most part negate the strength of your original intention in pretty much any example and in any aspect of your business or your life.
Sometimes the counter intention can be so subtle, it's very difficult to spot.
Would you like more information about how to properly build your network marketing business and join the ranks of the 3% having real success? I've written an eBook which reveals the most important secrets I've learned first hand about how to be successful.
Get your free copy by clicking here now: Successful Network Marketing.
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