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How to Compare Low Cost Homeowner"s Insurance in New Hampshire
At least it isn't required by state law.
If your home is being financed then that's a different story.
Your mortgage company, which technically owns your home until you finish paying your mortgage, will demand that you protect their investment by purchasing a homeowner's insurance policy.
However, while your mortgage company has every right to insist that you purchase a homeowner's policy, keep in mind that they do not have the right to tell you which policy to buy or which company you must purchase it from.
This gives you the opportunity and the right to go online and compare policies and prices until you find a policy that right for you at the best price available.
But before we do that, let's take a moment to review a few details that can help to bring down the cost of our homeowner's insurance even further.
The two biggest factors in the cost of most homeowner's policies are the possibility of fire or of theft.
If you can reduce those two possibilities as far as possible, then you will also reduce your monthly homeowner's premium as low as possible.
Let's start outside your home.
Begin by clearing any brush, weeds, or trash well away from any structure on your property - back at least ten feet.
Installing motion-sensitive lights will deter burglars, as will trimming back bushes around windows where burglars like to hide.
Install deadbolts on every exterior door and make certain that every window, no matter which floors it's on, has a working lock.
Lock all windows and use deadbolts even if you only leave your home for five minutes.
If you can afford to purchase a fire and intruder alarm system that is electronically connected to a third party which monitors your home and reports problems automatically to fire and police, you can reduce your homeowner's insurance by a considerable amount each month.
Inside your home be certain that you have the required number of fire and smoke detectors and that they are all properly installed.
Make certain that each one has a fresh battery.
Batteries need to be replaced twice yearly; many people keep track of this by changing batteries every time we have a time change.
Finally, make sure you have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen that is the right type for kitchens and the proper size for your particular layout.
Now it's time to find at least 3 different comparison websites that allow you to look at policies head-to-head between different insurance companies.
Since no website compares polices from every insurance company in New Hampshire you will need to take the time to fill out the forms on at least 3 different websites in order to assure yourself that you really and truly have compared all low cost homeowner's insurance plans in the state of New Hampshire and that you have, indeed, found the best and most affordable plan available.
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