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A Time for Transformation
Here's what I know to be true€¦
Every year around this time, people begin to think about some random goals they think they would like to accomplish, but give little or no thought to how or why they want to accomplish them. Each year these random goals dissipate with the blistery wind of winter (that's if you are in the Northern regions of the United States) The question I have for you is, €how can we make this an untrue statement for you in the coming year?€
2012 is a Time for Transformation€¦
2012 isn't just another year but it is a year marked for miraculous transformation for those who know what they want. Do you really know what you want? Can you paint me a picture so I can step inside your vision? Most people I have asked these very questions, give me a blank stare, especially when I ask the magical question €" €What do you really want for your life?€ Their silence reflects back to me exactly the reason why they don't have what they want. I realize through the years of working with budding and experienced women entrepreneurs, the reason they are not as successful as they say they want be, is because they never took the time to get crystal clear about what they want, nor do they know how to manifest anything they want. There is a system for manifestation anything that you want, that when you know the step by step system you can literally create what you want, just like clockwork! It all begins when you know what you want!
Let's get back to the original thought, €2012 is a time for transformation€, it is a time to renew our mind for what we really want and set our intentions to get the desires of our heart. The great thing is you have time to begin the process to ensure you get what you want. You still have time to begin the process of change and transformation to ensure you have the best life ever starting with 2012.
Let me take you by the hand right now and help you with the first 2 steps of your process of Manifestation€¦
1. Get Clear on what you DON'T want €" We want to create a place of contrast for you.
2. Clearly answer the Magical Question: What do you want? Paint me a picture so vivid that I can literally step inside of it through my own imagination.
Don't stop here because you are not done with the process. You have to complete the manifestation process. I want to help you Manifest Your Zen Lifestyle in 2012! I have created a step by step system with worksheets, handouts and all the tools you need for you to Become a Manifestation Magnet in 2012. To be honest with you I am sick and tired of Women Entrepreneurs not having the life of their dreams. I would love for more women entrepreneurs to have a Pajama Money Lifestyle Business built on a whole lot of Fun, Nurturing Relationships and the Ultimate Experience of Lifestyle Freedom! I created this step by step system with you the women entrepreneur in mind. I invite you to join me to learn the additional steps you need to 2012 Manifest Your Best Life Ever €"
€Your Life is waiting when are YOU going to Show Up€ €" Therese Prentice
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