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Relieving Spring Allergies Naturally
There is plenty of pollen in the air, causing many people to deal with spring allergies.
Just a few of the symptoms that come along with allergies include itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing.
Of course, there is a variety of treatments out there for allergies, but many people are looking for natural options.
If you are wanting to relieve your spring allergies naturally, the following are some natural remedies that can help to give your immune system a boost and help ease those allergy symptoms that you are dealing with.
Drink Water One very simple way that you can naturally relieve your problems with allergies this spring is to start drinking more water.
Water helps to thin out the mucous secretions that your body is making and will keep the tissues well hydrated as well.
You should be drinking at least half your weight in water.
For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, then you should be drinking 70 ounces of water each day to combat these allergies.
Avoid Foods that Create Mucus Another natural way to treat spring allergies is to make sure that you avoid foods that tend to create mucus.
While you don't have to totally eliminate them, you'll definitely want to keep away from them as much as possible.
Some of these foods to cut back on include red meats, dairy products, eggs, wheat, processed or fried foods, and even chocolate.
They promote the inflammation in the body and won't be much of a help to your immune system.
Eat Foods that are Anti Inflammatory Eating anti-inflammatory foods can be very helpful as well when you want to treat your spring allergies.
These foods include hempseeds, ground flaxseeds, and even walnuts.
Fish oil supplements are also excellent for you.
They provide omega-3 fatty acids that help to get rid of the inflammation that you are dealing with deep in your nasal passages due to the allergies.
Change Clothing When You're Home When you first come home from being outdoors, make sure that you change your clothing.
This is a simple and effective way to help alleviate your allergies.
Pollen can be trapped within your clothing very easily, so change as soon as you come home.
The pollen can also get into your hair, so washing your hair more than you usually do can provide some help as well.
Bioflavonoid Quercetin You may not know what Quercetin is, but it can help you out when you're dealing with allergies as well.
It is a bioflavonoid that you usually find within red wine, onions, and even grapefruit.
It keeps the body from releasing the histamines that can cause watering eyes and a runny nose.
This can help to alleviate the allergy symptoms that you are dealing with and it is all natural.
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