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Visualization - The Hard Body Creator

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There is a lot going around these days about positive thinking, success, the Secret and a host of other things related to creating a more fulfilling life.
However, very little is mentioned about visualization.
Visualization is "The Word" ...
"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God...
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth" - John 1:1-14 So, is this a lesson in religion? It is absolutely not; rather it is a lesson in quantum physics.
Quantum physics is what sheet music is to the ear as one plays the piano.
Before there was sheet music, the music being played existed in the mind of the pianist just as the Universe existed before science began to explain it through quantum physics.
Everything is energy, you, me, the air we breathe, the thoughts we think...
everything at a quantum level is energy...
energy packets to be more precise.
When they say that God is everything, they aren't kidding.
At the smallest level of our existence, we and all else including nature and all objects solid or not, are joined with no boundaries, no limits...
all the same stuff.
Like the oceans separated by name, it is all joined despite what it is called, water.
Scientists in the laboratory find that as soon as an experiment is observed in quantum physics, it changes by the mere fact that the observer is observing.
ATTENTION! Creation as spoken about in the history of this universe is nothing more than an infinite energy consciously applying attention and focus to the point of materialization.
So, did our prophets, masters and wise men get it wrong? How did this infinite energy speak a single word, if there did not even exist language...
good question? Don't get caught up in a history lesson, realize that our language is a very poor description for the feelings we feel from within.
Unfortunately very few of us have been trained to follow our intuition, the voice within, that feeling you have in your solar plexus...
which is the true language.
The WORD quite simply...
is what you picture in your mind's eye.
Have you ever pictured someone in your head thinking of them and all of a sudden they call? Some call it a coincidence but there is no such thing.
It just so happened that when you were visualizing this person you tapped into the law in process and that law is unerring.
Whether you did it unconsciously matters not, the fact is you did it.
We are nothing more than radio antennas tuning into a vibration of energy.
That vibration of energy is attracted to us by our beliefs and our thoughts, our vision! Those beliefs, thoughts and visions are also energy and go out into that which is all around us (God, the Universe) and become the world we experience with our five senses.
Yes, these energy packets of quantum soup...
literally go out and attach and vibrate to create what we think and see in our mind's eye, mass created.
In fact, the masters throughout the ages spoke about free will and choice.
You choose with your beliefs and vision.
Whether you consciously or unconsciously create, it is you who have created your world...
you are not a victim, there are none! Anything you focus on, good, bad, whatever will surely manifest in your world...
including your fears.
So be the master of your world rather than having your world be the master of you.
The law is non-judging; you can have anything you desire if done so with attention, focus and knowing (faith and belief).
You can't trick the law either, it knows before you do.
By all means don't want anything either.
The law is like a genie in a bottle (where do you think this folklore came from anyway?)...
if you want a great body, the genie will say...
"So be it, you will want a great body!" ...
and so, you will be in a constant state of wanting.
Instead use the word! Visualization is the universal language.
It is exacting.
It can make no mistake as this vision of your desire is planted securely in your mind's eye.
If I were to want a great body, I would plant in my mind's eye exactly the body I desired, down to the smallest detail.
I would dress that body and give it a surrounding, my home, my office, at the movies, out with people.
Like the painter who would not just draw a tree without landscape, I would do the same.
If I were a novice, I might cut out pictures of the body I want and then paste a picture of my head on that body and keep it where I could be reminded throughout the day of my vision.
I would then begin to pay attention to what was brought to me.
It might be a free gym visit through the mail...
or maybe I would read an article that I identify with in that it describes my body goals and how to achieve them.
These little signs like the gym visit or article are no coincidence at all...
because of this vision and your thoughts, you have sent out into the Universe, the all that IS, the Word...
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...
" And, the genie obeyed! It is all a matter of training your thought patterns and becoming the master of your house.
There are many ways to do this and it is a matter of continual vigilance or should I say visual-ance.
It is time to remove the clutter from your mind...
the useless thoughts that no longer serve you.
A mind without focus is usually one cluttered with old baggage and debris, being constantly tripped over...
while trying to get to the one that matters.
By time you finish cleaning up the mess, you have wasted so much energy that there is little life force left for your true desires.
Time to clean house! Stop wasting precious time! Since your outer mind or the ego will need some retraining, it is best to do so in a non threatening way.
There are exercises in minutes a day to accomplish this...
while augmenting these exercises with visualization.
Remember, we create everything in our world from the inside out and that includes our bodies.
It is all vibration.
Begin to apply the proper vibration in your world to attain your true desires, which may also be a hard body! "Whatever you believe you out picture in your world.
Source: ...
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