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Antioxidants and Free Radicals - How to Combat Disease and Prevent Aging
(Too many to count.
) These cells, as they are exposed to oxygen, begin to break down into free radicals.
The oxidation process contributes to the bodies' inability to fight off disease and accelerates the aging process.
The human body naturally produces antioxidants to help control the pace at which this occurs, but not enough to do a proper job.
It relies on us to acquire antioxidants from external sources via the food we eat.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the most effective way to get the protective nutrients your body needs.
The spread of free radicals throughout the body happens quickly as one radical cell attempts to stabilize by stealing from another healthy cell.
This disruptive process is inevitable and is occurring within all of us at all times.
There is no need to stress your self out over it.
In fact stress and the things many people do to alleviate stress, such as smoking and drinking, make the problem worse.
The best way to battle this process is to eat good, avoid toxins, and live a clean lifestyle.
Ironically, one of the most powerful antioxidants is found in red wine.
Resveratrol, a naturally occurring chemical that can be found in blue berries, red grapes, peanut skins, and many other dark colored fruits, vegetables, and nuts is perhaps one of the greatest discoveries in the war against free radicals.
Scientists have conveniently bottled up resveratrol into a number of dietary supplements that can be found in health food stores, pharmacies, and of course on the world wide web.
Using a resveratrol supplement in addition tho the consumption of other antioxidants can reduce the risk of cancer, kill existing cancer cells, ward off disease, and drastically slow the aging process.