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Ask Kinkajou Breeders How You Should Take Care Of Your Pets

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It is highly imperative that if you plan on getting kinkajous, you should take the time to contact kinkajou breeders so that you can ask them the necessary details that you need to be aware of about taking care of these types of exotic animals at home.
Kinkajous are not naturally domesticated animals.
Instead, they are an exotic jungle species.
These animals are also referred to as honey bears.
Trading these animals is generally illegal but you can still get these from licensed breeders.
Looking for reputable kinkajou breeders is of prime importance so that you can be sure that the pets that you're going to bring with you are in good health condition and have not been abused or mistreated.
Honey bears from exotic breeders are usually bottle fed.
Before you to contact different people who sell these animals, make sure that owning these kinds of pets is legal in your state.
Even though such animals have been domesticated already, they will still possess the same set of characteristics as those of their wild counterparts.
Honey bears are known to be nocturnal creates.
This means that they don't like getting disturbed when they're asleep, which is during the day.
One of the main reasons why they love sleeping during the day is because they hate sunlight.
Based on this, you need to provide them with a nice and dark environment inside your house where they can get the rest and relaxation that they need during daytime.
In their natural habitats, they like sleeping high in tree nooks, which is possible to replicate through the use of a wooden sleeping box and some high branches.
Place these in a well shaded area so that you can produce a nice sanctuary for your pets at home.
Bear in mind that these creatures are arboreal so don't expect that they'd love having a bed on the ground.
In addition, they are also used to a certain temperature and you need to maintain this.
The ideal temperature for honey bears would be 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
You need to spend a good amount of time toilet training your pets because this is something that they don't learn that fast.
In addition, they love climbing up high so that they can attend to their toilet matters regardless of where their things fall.
However, they usually use the same areas when they deal with toilet matters.
Because of this, it is important that you keep a good eye on their water supply so that it won't become contaminated because of their bodily wastes.
It is highly suggested that they be kept outside the house because they have a good tendency to be destructive at times because of their carelessness.
They usually play with things especially during the times when they're most active, which is at nigh time.
Them being nocturnal in nature is another good reason why they should be kept outside the house as they may cause you sleeping disturbances because of the noise that they generate when they're active.
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