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Cursed by Mike Evans
Few if any individuals in the world today know the nation of Israel and its place in scripture better than Mike Evans. Compelling the attention of the readers, the book carefully constructs the events of the past 60 years and warns of the great danger to America if she abandons her historic support for the state of Israel. These pages will excite your imaginations and challenge your presuppositions about the critical issues in the relationship between Israel the United States and the word of God.
President Obama plans to succeed in dividing Jerusalem by 2012, blackmailing Israel over the Iran crisis to achieve his objective. "Never miss the opportunity of a crisis."
The president apparently feels that Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria are a fair trade in order to keep Iran (Persia) from going atomic. The Obama administration seems to be treating Israel as a property to be bartered €" or perhaps more accurately €" to be betrayed for the sake of expediency. The Arab world wants its 22nd Islamic state with its capital in Jerusalem for one simple reason: Muslims believe Israel is Arab land occupied by foreigners.
Half of its capital€"the Holy City of Jerusalem€"is to be stripped from Israeli control and placed in the hands of the Palestinian terrorists who have spent decades proving they are serious when they say they mean to kill all the Jews. It's an outrage!
If America touches prophecy - Jerusalem - God's curse will fall upon America and upon President Obama as decreed in Genesis 12:3 ("I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."). The ancient prophet Zachariah cried out, "I will make Jerusalem a cup that will send all the surrounding people reeling €¦ an immovable rock for all nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."
But there is more to this than just a political strategy that is guaranteed to fail. Attacking the sovereignty and integrity of Israel is a direct attack on the prophetic Word of Almighty God. Every nation that participates in this plan will feel His hand of judgment.
A fighter for freedom in a world of darkening and narrowing horizons, Mike Evans has once again united Biblical prophecy with today's headlines, unveiling startling information about threats against the Holy City. With his thorough research of prophecy, history and political events, Evans opens the eyes of readers and warns the world of imminent judgement. Cursed, therefore, is an admirable effort to expose the dangerous plans of the liberal left to betray Jerusalem and her Biblical legacy.
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