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Rose Growing Tips
- Soil (earth):
- Roses prefer a soil pH ranging from 6.5 to 6.8.
- Soils with good drainage are best for rose growing. When improving the soil through the use of soil amendments, don't forget to promote drainage by incorporating peat moss.
- Irrigation (water):
- Watering requirements depend greatly on conditions. As an estimate, you can water rose bushes twice weekly. Monitor the health and vigor of your plants and adjust that recommendation accordingly as demanded by the conditions in your own region. It is better to irrigate less frequently -- but to water deeply when you do -- than to administer shallower, more frequent waterings.
- Avoid late-evening watering, which could foster powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a very common disease among roses.
- Spacing (air)
- Rose growing in conditions where adequate spacing is not provided can foster powdery mildew, as well. Let your roses breathe: don't plant them too closely together. Follow spacing requirements for each particular variety when purchasing rose bushes, as indicated on the plant label.
- Sun (fire):
- Give your roses at least six hours of sunlight each day
- If possible, let the morning provide the bulk of those six hours, since the afternoon sun can sometimes be a bit intense for these plants.
For more detailed tips, please read my full article on growing roses.
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