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Best Chest Workout
The chest is a very strong muscle capable of lifting very huge amounts of weight.
Do you think you have to bench a certain amount of weight before your chest will look good? No, I don't believe that you have to lift really heavy weight to look great but you will most likely need to increase you strength in your chest at least a little bit.
More likely you will need to strengthen more parts of your chest.
A great chest looks that way because it is well-proportioned.
This means that you need to train all parts of the chest to look great.
Here is what you need to do to get a great chest.
First you need to focus on the upper chest more than ever before.
Take dumbbells and use an bench inclined at about 45 degrees.
Now you are going to do chest presses on the bench pushing the weights up until they touch above your chest, not above your face.
Lower them back down until the almost touch your chest.
I want you to do these first, before you do any other workout at the gym.
You have to develop the upper chest to get a great looking chest, so put your focus on it.
After incline bench press you will move to the flat bench and do the same thing with the dumbbells.
Forget about the straight bar for a month or two and just use dumbbells.
Follow this plan and you will get a better looking chest.
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